440-546-0183 [email protected]

Presentation on WordPress

Last Friday I gave an online presentation titled “Blogging and More: The Ins and Outs of WordPress” on WizIQ.com as part of a seminar on “Web 2.0 for Blended Learning and Instruction”. The presentation gave an overview of how to customize...

Ready to BOINC?

The SETI project from Berkeley has been around for years. With unused PC cycles, the SETI software performed the math necessary to determine if telescope reading at Berkeley might contain data from extra terrestial signals. While that software (with the familiar black...

The Latest Fad?

From Usability.gov: Widget: def. Screen-based controls that are used to interact with a website and other systems. Widgets include pushbuttons, selection lists, radio buttons, sliders, etc. Read more on the pros and cons of widgets at...

Free Blogging Course – any good ?

I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they’re letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.It covers:The best blogging techniques.How to get traffic to your blog.How to turn your blog...