Time for the annual blog post! (Almost went a year without one.) 2020 promises to be a year of running renewal. How could it not? Only one new marathon state (Delaware) in 2019 (and only 4 marathons) but hoping to get a few more in the New Year.
First up is not a new state, but a return to an old favorite: the Art Moore FA 25K and 50K. This was my second ultra way back when (early 90’s) and I could run 50 miles as fast as I can now run 50K! Ugh. It used to start and finish at Scenic Park in Lakewood/Rocky River. Now it starts and finishes at South Mastick Park in Fairview Park.
Art was a running legend but this fun run that he created (FA = Fat Ass) is also the oldest Northeast Ohio ultra Though it didn’t take place in the 2008 it has been held every other year since the mid 80’s. (Read more Fat Ass info.)
Interested? More info on the 2020 Art Moore FA 25 & 50k Facebook Event Page.