by jurczyk | Oct 6, 2007 | Academics, Technology
Yesterday I made this presentation at the Q Conference held at the National Libraries of Medicine at the NIH in Bethesda. The paper is a preview of my dissertation that will focus on the development of a web-based tool to administer Q Methodology studies.
by jurczyk | Sep 20, 2007 | Web Sites
Share your opinions (even though nobody really cares) and read others’ sometimes hilarious survey responses on Grupthink.
by jurczyk | Aug 31, 2007 | Career
Started a new contract this week at Radcom in Hudson. The work involves writing/instructional design for an online course for a local financial institution. Also updated my resume. (It’s getting long enough that I should call it a vitae.)
by jurczyk | Aug 8, 2007 | Running, Web Sites
Though less than 50% of the starters finished (only 68 out of 144), the Burning River 100 was a success ! See all of the results on the web site.
by jurczyk | Jul 31, 2007 | Running
An article about the Burning River 100 appeared in today’s Plain Dealer. The article by Zach Lewis included interviews with several runners as well as myself. Get the printed version for the nice map and the picture of the Godales and me. You can read the text...